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Title IX Notice

Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sexual harassment and discrimination. Information about Title IX can be found at the following link: USDOE OCR. Title IX protections apply to staff and students at Bluffton-Harrison Metropolitan School District. Regulations issued by the federal government detail what qualifies as harassment or discrimination and how schools must respond. To inform our students, families, and staff the BHMSD Policy GBEC can be found under Board Policies on our webpage. 

As stated in Title IX, Bluffton-Harrison M.S.D. does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic, in its programs and activities, including employment opportunities. 

General Reporting Statement & Title IX Coordinator Information: 
Complaints or reports alleging sexual harassment or discrimination involving a BHMSD student or employee should be immediately reported to the Title IX Coordinator, Julie Meitzler. Mrs. Meitzler’s contact information is: 

Julie Meitzler, Title IX Coordinator