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BHMSD School Safety

Bluffton-Harrison MSD takes the safety of our students, staff and community members very seriously. We collaborate with city, county, state and national safety officials on national best practices, as well as exemplary resources for school safety, security, intervention/prevention, deterrence and emergency preparedness planning.

Along with a School Resource Officer in partnership with the Bluffton Police Department, BHMSD has Indiana School Safety Specialists in each of our schools that are trained to lead the development and implementation of school safety practices which will provide a safe educational environment for each of our students. Each day, BHMSD’s safety protocols are in place at all of our buildings.

In an age of social media usage and increased threats to schools across the country, BHMSD takes all threats seriously and works in close partnership with local law enforcement to investigate and act as necessary.

We encourage parents to closely monitor your child’s social media activity and to remind them that inappropriate comments or jokes about threats of violence on social media can have serious consequences. 

 Also, please remember that if you see something, you should say something. Concerns can be reported to the Bluffton Police Department, school leaders, or through our confidential StopIt App (on student devices).  

BHMSD administration appreciates your support as we work together to keep our children, schools, and community safe.